Unconfirmed orders are orders that have been started but not completed. (Not Confirmed).

The Unconfirmed Order feature allows you to start many orders and then go back to them and finish them when you get time.

If you start an order and then another customer comes in you press BACK and then serve the new customer. Once you have finished serving the customer you can go into Front Counter * (entry station) and select *Unconfirmed orders and click on the order you had previously started and it will bring up the order.

As an example, from the Front Counter we have selected the customer, Brian Smith. You can see existing orders in process, and, orders that have been picked up. To access Unconfirmed Orders and continue processing incomplete orders you select Unconfirmed Orders button next to the Start Orders button, as shown below

Once you have selected the Unconfirmed Orders button, all unconfirmed orders will be listed as shown below in the screenshot below. You can now see and select an unconfirmed order for Brian Smith, or, select any other unconfirmed order for any other customer you wish to complete and confirm.

Once the order is selected from the ‘Unconfirmed Orders’ list above, the full details of the Unconfirmed Oder will be launched into the order screenshot as shown below.

Once the order is completed as required, the order can then be confirmed as an active order as shown below.

Once you have completed the order – press Confirm Order to make this an active order


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