Please see below a list of the developed completed MyCleanPOS
Release notes
13/02/2025 MyCleanPos – 2.7.00
• POS-2590 Settings – Improve Readability of Sidebar Menu whilst keeping POS system functionality
• POS-2583 Go High Level Integration – Order Delivered
• POS-2582 Go High Level Integration – New Customer
The “Settings” section now has a new and improved sidebar to help readability, while still making it easy to click on touch screen POS systems.
Alongside this, down the bottom there is now a “Integrations” menu. This has 2 integration types, GoHighLevel and Webhooks. Currently the GoHighLevel integration is under construction, but webhooks are good to go.
Having webhooks available allows you to integrate with any 3rd party application that has webhook functionality like GoHighLevel, Zapier,, HubSpot etc…
The current available webhooks are triggered when the first order is delivered for a customer, and every time a new customer is created. You can now set up webhooks to be called whenever one of these events happen within MyCleanPOS.
We hope this gives you some great ideas for customer interactions.
• POS-2588 Customer Popup – Only make Total Sales available to accounts or managers
Previously, total sales was available to all users. This was considered a potential breach of interest so this has now been reduced to only employees with Accounts or Manager access.
• POS-2589 Dashboard – Show the “Orders Promised by Day” chart for non-manager/accounts employees
Previously, only the “Orders Promised By” chart was showing in the dashboard for all Employees with Edit/Create Orders access, but the nice “Orders Promised By Day” chart which compares ready to not-ready orders for the coming days was not showing for those Employees. We’ve opened up this access so now all Employees with Edit/Create Orders access will also have this nice “Orders Promised By Day” chart.
17/01/2025 MyCleanPOS –
POS-2530 – Add option to Customer – Accounts – Invoice Due Date – Option 20th day after end of month
• There is now 2 new options in the “Invoice Due Date” dropdown under Customers → Accounts
o Twenty Days After End Of Month
o Twenty Days
• These fields now flow through to the due on invoices posted to Xero as well as the invoices emailed to customers
POS-2573 – Order Receipt – Make external direct receipt link return a HTML page instead of generating a PDF receipt
• When you go to a URL like:
o [dry cleaner URL]/api/v1.0/order/receipt/[receipt guid]
• You will now receive the receipt as HTML instead of a PDF receipt
POS-2526 – Displaying Tags on Customer Lists – Posting Orders and Customer List in the back end
• In the Posting screen there is now a new column for “Tag” which displays the tags
• In the Customer List screen there is now a new column for “Tag” which displays the tags linked to the Customer
05/12/2024 MyCleanPOS –
POS-2564 – Stop using Asynchronous Methods within Synchronous Functions
• We have identified multiple locations in the system where asynchronous (parallel) code was being run that would get themselves into a bind as they both relied upon each other
• These locations have been modified and we expect this source of the system lockups to have been eradicated
POS-2563 – Application Freezing – Get rid of the resource-based reader/writer locks and replace them with thread-safe resources instead
• It was identified that critical parts of the system were utilising old reader/writer locks to allow safe multi-threaded (simultaneous) access to resources that could be updated from multiple locations
• These old reader/writer locks were updated to utilise modern concurrent thread-safe resources, reducing instances of system-wide freezes
POS-2445 – Order Writing Screen – Buttons squishing after confirm order and the order writing screen scrolls and splits in 2
• There was an intermittent issue with the order writing screen where occasionally when moving in and out of it in low-connection situations, it would split the screen in 2 and the buttons would be near impossible to press. The only way to get out of it would be to close the app and restart it.
• We expect this to be fixed up and the order writing screen to be much more reliable.
POS-2538 – Customer Popup – Sometimes the app crashes upon writing subsequent orders
• When moving about in and out of orders and opening the customers details, there would be occasional instances in low-connectivity situations where the app would crash.
• More guardrails have been placed around the source of the field causing the crash, making editing the customers details much smoother.
05/12/2024 MyCleanPOS –
POS-2544 Speed Improvements – Discover why there are 25000 requests per hour to imgBlank.png and fix it
• As a result of last weeks logging changes, we have noticed there are a very large number of requests going out to a blank image on the server. We have replaced this with in-line images throughout the code and will wait further details to see if that has nailed the issue.
POS-2556 Easy Edit Pricing – When accessed from a price list screen, it will only reload the first price list you went to through that menu
POS-2544 Price List – Ability to easily edit the pricing of products
• When you go to edit a price list, there is now a new button “Easy Edit Pricing” when you hit this you are taken to a new page where the products are listed as line items and are able to be easily priced alongside their surcharges.
POS-2552 API Improvements – Add better message andling when a string cannot be cast into a true/false statement
• We noticed an issue in the API where unhelpful error messages were being returned to the developer, this has been fixed up
POS-2547 Application Insights – Turn on API call details for long running API calls
• To add to our logging and slow-request investigations we are adding additional logging to record the body of a request (while sanitising any sensitive information) so issues are easily replicatable
POS-2545 Application Insights – Turn on SQL Query Data and Parameter Logging
• Adding to our logging, we are now also recording the fine details of requests to the database
POS-2473 My Dry Cleaning Integration – Bring Referral Sources from MDC into MCP
• When a user signs up in My Dry Cleaning they can choose where they heard about the dry cleaner for marketing purposes. We are bringing this field over into MyCleanPOS to give dry cleaners who use both MDC and MCP better visibilty over their marketing efforts.
POS-2555 Easy Edit Pricing – Hide inactive services and consistently sort the product names
POS-2557 Easy Edit Pricing – Hide buttons to make it clear you are only editing prices
POS-2559 Easy Edit Pricing – Show all products with a menu button but no pricing, and ability to hide any products without menu buttons but with pricing
21/11/2024 MyCleanPOS –
POS-2524 Account Credit Expiries – Removal credits get their expiry date applied
• There was a bug when using a credit where the remove record would get an expiry date applied. This has been fixed up.
POS-2527 Order History – Error when trying to view order history on delivered orders
• When you would go to view history on a delivered order, it would throw an error and not let you open the popup. This has been closed and we’re excited to see the handy information this gives you.
POS-2532 Order List – Deadlock error when deleting unconfirmed orders
• When you would select multiple unconfirmed orders and delete them all at once, it would sometimes only delete a few and leave a few behind. This has been fixed up and it will also display the progress as the system deletes them one by one.
POS-2525 Application Logging – Configure application insights to not destroy the performance of the server
• To further inspect the issues slowing down the system we have implemented system-wide logging to catch long-running queries and system slow downs. We’re hoping this will give greater clarity on what we can do to improve the overall performance of the system.
POS-2531 Order Writing Screen – Show 3 dots on picked up order rows
• The 3 dots to show the popup menu would disappear on picked up orders or orders ready to be picked up. This has now been shown again to avoid confusion and better look at the order history.
8/11/2024 MyCleanPOS –*
POS-2478 Account Credits Report – Click to show Account Credit History
On the Reports → Account Credit report
Run the report and group by Account, click a line item and the Account Credit History popup will show.
Group the report by Account, Credit, click a line item and the Account Credit History popup will show, drilled down into the specific credit record you clicked on.
Make sure the rest of the page works as expected, and that for the different configurations you can click on the report and it will pop up accordingly.
POS-2456 Customer Popup – Display Date Added and Total Sales $ on the Customer Popup
On the orders list screen (front counter), search for a customer and click on their name. This will then show the edit customer popup.
At the top of the popup should now show the date the customer was added, and the total sales for this customers account.
Check this across different accounts to make sure the value changes.
Check this on large dry cleaners to make sure it is still performant and the query runs quick.
The query pulls from the sales incoming report like this (where the date should be the date the account was created):
POS-2464 Expiring Account Credits – Add expiry date on an AccountCredit and make that credit expire
Release notes – MyCleanPOS –
POS-2474 Order Writing Screen – Reducing the price should not show a negative “Remaining” it should show Paid
• It was discovered that if you had a paid order and then went to reduce the price of an item on the order, the “PAID” text at the bottom of the screen would then show a red “Remaining -$[dollar amount]” instead. This has been fixed up and it will now continue to say “PAID”.
POS-2494 Saving Store Tags – Cannot save store tags due to “Tag must be an AccountTag if linked to a ReferralSource”
• A bug was introduced with which stopped the saving of Store tags. This has been fixed up and now store and account tags can be saved successfully.
POS-2496 Referral Sources List – When reordering the list all the text is selected
• The list reordering controls appeared buggy when attempting to move them with the reorder handle. What would happen is the text would be selected as you go to move the item up or down. This effect has now been removed and it is now easier to see your sort order when reordering.
POS-2497 Add Customer Popup – Move the email out of the “More” drop down
• It is now easier to get a customer email on initial customer signup, instead of the employee having to hit the “More” dropdown to then enter a customers email, you are able to enter the email straight from the Add Customer popup.
Version Release Notes
Bug Fixes
• POS-2482: Updated Xero API library to the latest version to enhance stability and maintain compatibility.
New Features and Improvements
• POS-2402: Enhanced Xero integration by adding email and address links when creating customer records.
• POS-2492: Added an option to include the invoice with online billing for Xero.
• POS-2493: Updated the error message for uploading a picture before sending an MMS to provide clearer instructions.
• POS-2457: Referral Source added to a Customer
In the customer maintenance, you will now find a “Referral” field, allowing you to specify how this customer was referred to your business.
This field will also be present in the orders screen when you bring up a customers details.
A manager or accounts person can edit these “Referral Sources” via a new menu (with the same name) in the settings section of MyCleanPOS.
• In this menu, you can edit the name, whether or not it is active, and you can also configure the “Other” flag, which when turned on, will show a textbox and allow you to enter another source outside of those configured.
• This list is automatically populated with a general list of Referral Sources, you are welcome to add your own and tailor this to suit your business.
When a Referral Source is created, a Tag will automatically be created linked to the Referral Source. This allows reporting straight out of the gate, enabling reports to be run over Customers from a certain Referral Source, therefore giving you increased visibility over your marketing efforts.
MyCleanPOS – Version Release Notes
Bug Fixes:
• POS-2450: Resolved an issue where customers with a large order history, including very old unpaid orders, could not prepay properly as entries were duplicated.
• POS-2453: Fixed the bug where the Bagging Option was not defaulting to “0” when adding a new customer or account this was caused when we added the No Bag option per sub account, and partial bag per sub account
• POS-2458: Corrected the ordering of Price List menus in the back office to match the database specifications. It was dispaying incorrectly when you shuffled menu’s around.
• POS-2459: Fixed spelling errors in the Disclaimer section. ‘Signature bellow’ now fixed
• POS-2470: Fixed a bug where a new credit history entry was created for zero amount every time an order was paid by cash or EFTPOS.
Release Notes: MyCleanPOS Version
Bug Fixes:
• POS-2443: Resolved the issue where Ready Orders were not displayed at the top of the order list for customers who had a large number of orders..
New Features:
• POS-2434: Introduced a new option for sub-Accounts and Customers to select the type of bag:
o No bag
o Half bag
o Full bag (default option)
0 Both top and bottom seal (Metlprogetti Futtura bagger only)
28/08/2024 MyCleanPOS – Version Release Notes
New Features and Enhancements:
• POS-2437: Added an icon to distinguish between a phone number and a bag tag when scanning a bag tag. This will help if the tag ID is the same as a phone number,
• POS-2438: Updated the Code Signing Certificate for enhanced security. This secures the system against hackers. The code signing certificate is replaced each year.
• POS-2439: Implemented additional error handling for metalprogetti files which cannot access the metalprogetti system after a network connection loss.
Bug Fixes:
• POS-2435: Fixed an issue where switching to a User (who does not have store access caused the app to crash when a specific setting was enabled.
• POS-2436: Resolved an issue where SMS Invoices stopped being sent after the month changed.
18/07/2024 Version
New Features
• POS-2431: Added a New Dashboard button has been added for Admin only users to the current Dashboard screen. It has a better visual interface with comparisons to same time last week,month,year
You can click on the blue drop down and change the selection. You can even click on the stores you wish to report on. New drill down feature is coming
Bug Fixes
• POS-2432: Fixed various bugs in the automation report (shows customers that are out of patter by a factor) to enhance reliability and accuracy.
Performance Improvements
• POS-2433: Implemented database performance improvements to optimize system speed and efficiency.
30/05/2024 Version
Bug Fixes
• POS-2413: When serving a customer the list of orders was searching on the following at the top. Ready Orders, Partially ready, Processing, Picked up, delivered, voided orders in descending order after each status, the paging now resets correctly. This ensures that users see the first page of filtered results instead of potentially being confused by an empty page or unrelated orders. A problem was introduced when customers went from Instore ‘Picked up’ Status to ‘Delivered’ status if the customer became a delivery customer you would see their old picked up in store orders first and may not see the delivered orders until you resorted by ‘Started date’ – This is now resolved.
• POS-2414: Resolved an issue where SMS Station replies were not functioning as thought. Users should now receive SMS replies as expected.
New Features and Enhancements
• POS-2406: Upgraded the PDF creator on our server from version 7.0 to now use EVO PDF Version 10 on our Azure Subscription. This upgrade includes performance improvements and enhanced PDF generation capabilities.
• POS-2415: Added a new label type called “Basic”. This provides an additional option for users requiring a simpler label format in small format to go through a shirt button hole. Order number and ready date and time – this is all it has on the tag
• POS-2417: Enhanced the Lost Customers Automation process. These improvements aim to better identify and re-engage customers who have not interacted with the service for a specified period.
This is set in Settings – Store – Automation and will report to an email address a list of customers who are outside their normal frequency. Eg if a customer is a once per month customer and you set the Factor to be 1.5 then the system will let you know that this customer is normally in every 4 weeks, but they have not been in for 6 weeks. You can then reach out to the customer to see if everything is alright with the service you are providing.
• POS-2418: Unified the “Pick Up” and “Delivered” statuses into the same enumeration. This change simplifies the order status management and ensures consistency across the system.
For any questions or support, please contact our customer service team.
09-05-2024 Version
*New Features
*1. POS-2397 Lost Customers Automation Reporting: Introducing a feature to generate automated reports on lost customers, aiding in understanding customer retention metrics and strategizing to minimize customer churn. It will show you customers that out of pattern with their spend habits.
2. POS-2405 Station Report Enhancement: Added an option to run a location report on items present at a station on a specific day, focusing on items that have not been picked up or voided. This enhancement provides clearer insights into station activity and inventory management. This allows you to see all items or orders that have been through a station – Location/Assembly station
Performance Improvements
1. POS-2408: Enhanced the performance of loading the orders list, resulting in faster response times and smoother navigation within the application.
2. POS-2409: Optimized the loading of orders by implementing pagination, limiting the number of orders loaded to 20 at a time instead of loading the entire list at once (previously 200). This enhancement significantly improves the efficiency of order management operations.
3. POS-2411: Improved the loading speed of store details, ensuring a more responsive user experience when accessing and viewing store-specific information.
These updates aim to enhance the overall efficiency, functionality, and user experience of MyCleanPOS. We appreciate your feedback and continued support as we strive to deliver a seamless and optimized POS solution.
01/03/2024 Version*
POS-2392: Performance improvement in Order list . When the system wants a list of orders for a customer it was consuming a lot of resources. This has been improved.
29/02/2024 Version*
Bug Fixes:
• POS-2378: Resolved an error occurring during the export of MMS Campaign reports.
• POS-2373: Added Sub Order Location feature on Overdue Orders Marketing Group, enhancing organization by enabling grouping by Sub Order Location.
• POS-2374: Implemented validation to prevent duplication of Permanent IDs, ensuring data integrity and accuracy. This prevents the same Heat seal or RFID being applied to different pieces on an order.
• POS-2375: Enhanced user interface by enabling the enlargement and repositioning of Buttons to the right of the name, facilitating navigation with features like < Previous order —- Next order>.
• POS-2376: Expanded Dashboard functionality by adding sorting capability on Orders Promised Day, enabling users to efficiently manage and prioritize orders.
• POS-2377: Improved SMS Report to comprehensively display SMS and MMS Campaigns, providing users with enhanced insights and analytics.
• POS-2379: Added MMS and SMS Test Button on the Campaign Screen, allowing users to conveniently test campaign functionality before deployment.
• POS-2381: Introduced SMS-Invoicing-Jobs feature, streamlining invoicing operations and enhancing efficiency.
Version 08/02/2024
Bug Fixes:
• POS-2370: Fixed backend exceptions: It was noted that there were errors generation in the background when trying to log audits. This was resulting in unnecessary exception hence impacting the performance of the application. Lot of exception have been fixed for smoother experience
• POS-2369: Added pagination: When more than 50 items were to be displayed on a pop up window, user had to remember the item and search manually. User is now able to scroll between items with the help of ‘<< Prev’ and ‘Next >>’ buttons. Hence making accessibility relatively simpler.
*Version 30/01/2022
Bug Fixes:*
• POS-2353: Fixed Scheduler for Fortnight jobs.
• POS-2342: Menu Performance Improvement – We now only load the products associated with the category you are working with rather than all products for all categories.
• POS-2343: Enhanced MMS and SMS Marketing Reply call to Action, allowing users to send SMS or Email details to an email and/or phone number if a customer shows interest in the campaign.
• POS-2348: Added functionality to create SMS and MMS Invoices for customers (Dry Cleaner and Stores). This will send a PDF rather than a live link in the SMS
• POS-2350: Modified the messaging / behavior for cases where the system cannot connect with the Database server or when there is no internet connection.
• POS-2351: Implemented testing for SMS or MMS Templates. Users can now select customers by Phone Number and Customer Name and do a test to see how the campaign will look on the phone before sending the entire campaign.
• POS-2352: Resolved the issue where the item would incorrectly change the ownership when scanning RFID or Barcodes back into the plant to “Is Pool Stock” in item-level tracking if the item is registered only for pool stock.
• POS-2354: Introduced Automated Testing for improved software reliability.
• POS-2355: Added validation on Monitor Responses, including Help ? for each option. Also included customer phone and email address for templates.
• POS-2357: Expanded testing so you can test the responses also if you set monitor responses on, It now includes Monitor Response Accepted and Declined, Dont Understand and Action based on customer replies (Yes or No).
• POS-2359: Included SMS Details for Action SMS Delivered To and Delivered To Email.
• POS-2360: Implemented SMS – MMS – Conversations History Reporting, allowing visibility of customer replies and associated actions.
• POS-2365: Optimized the display of Customer SMS for faster performance.
Version 01/12/2023
New Features and Enhancements:
Version 15/11/2023
• POS-2329: Added MMS Campaign functionality to send graphical SMS see video 890142640/86931a722e
New Features and Enhancements:
• POS-2322: Enhanced SMS Campaign functionality to lock campaigns during sending, preventing campaigns being resent when they were edited if they were set to Run Now.
You can hover over the green lock next to the campaign and see more details :Added Campaign Transaction History to include information about Sent By, Scheduled By Time, and Sent Time.
• POS-2324: Improved Discounts and Coupons Report to display discounts even if the order is not paid for.
• POS-2326: Removed the Next Day Promise Day feature. Orders are now marked as ready and sent when the last order promised on the same day is ready.
• POS-2327: Implemented changes for Bulk Product Registration to streamline and enhance the process for Item Level tracking when registering RFID for linen.
• POS-2328: Introduced a new button to the right of the product when writing a ticket. If you click on the down arrow it will move that piece to a new sub order.
Bug Fixes:
• POS-2325: Resolved issue where Discounts as a percentage were not appearing on the SMS Results as Discounts. Discounts were not showing until the invoice was paid. Resolved.
General Updates:
• Various performance optimizations and minor bug fixes for a smoother user experience.
• When you are in a customers Order and they have other orders – you can click on the left and right arrows- (below their Name) to scroll through their orders
Note to Users:
Please make sure to update your MyCleanPOS application to the latest version to benefit from these enhancements and bug fixes. If you encounter any issues or have feedback, please contact our support team.
Thank you for choosing MyCleanPOS!
Version 14/09/2023
POS-2299: Bulk Scanning of Orders Station – You can add a Bulk Scanning station and bulk Add RFID/Barcodes for a garment type. You can then assign them as Pool stock or assign them to a customer.
You can scan out to customer A and when it comes back into the plant you can clean it and scan it out to customer B. It reports and manages which customer has which items.
POS-2315: Van Loading in MDC Integration
In this release, we’ve added Van Loading functionality to our MDC Integration. Now, you can seamlessly manage and track van loading operations, enhancing the efficiency of your delivery processes.
POS-2316: Item Level Tracking Report
We are excited to introduce the Item Level Tracking Report. This report provides detailed insights into item-level tracking, enabling you to monitor the movement and status of individual items with precision. This feature will enhance your inventory management capabilities and help you make informed decisions.
Version 23/08/2023
POS-2297: Added a validation check to prevent duplicated IDs from being added to orders.
POS-2302: Resolved the issue where the location box did not appear when splitting orders in the Assembly Sorting station.
POS-2311: Fixed the problem where menu items were occasionally dragged over themselves, causing them to disappear from the price list.
POS-2296: Implemented the functionality to move to the next and previous orders.
POS-2300: Introduced a new type of sorting station for completed orders. This feature allows defining a starting and ending range of slots that can allocate a free location number.
POS-2306: Adjusted the display of SMS Updated Time to be based on the Dry Cleaner Time zone instead of UTC.
Thank you for using MyCleanPOS! If you have any further questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.
Version 5/05/2023
POS-2267 Batch not closing when on the schedule- sometimes when the batches have an error, the transaction will be rolled back this will also unclose the batches.
POS-2270 Smart Pay Pooling Response slows down the application- a 2.5 second delay during smartpay transactions has been removed. This could cause slowness for other users.
POS-2273 When you have disabled discounts and surcharges will not let you save any of the discounts.
POS-2258 Create a Report for Posting Batch Schedules Status Displays Batches that may have had any errors during scheduled batch closes.
POS-2259 Xero App Store Subscriptions flow, Xero App Store subscription flow (UK, AU and NZ based app partners, with supported pricing models as part of the new Xero app store requirements)
POS-2260 Recommendations for handling referrals IDs captured during Sign Up With Xero/OAuth flow as a requirement for the Xero app store.
POS-2268 Only move orders to Unload Station if the Arm matches the unloading Arm. For customers with multiple unload arms.
POS-2269 Manage Xero Subscriptions when the customer has paid for a Month remove the trial period, When the cancel or not paid deactivate there account.
POS-2274 Remove Xero Connection if the user has came from Xero.
POS-2279 Sorting Station add new column number of days since the order was created. This allows you to sort by how many days pieces are on the assembly system.
POS-2280 Do not Prompt for a Ready Date Selection when one has already been selected beforehand.
Version 29/03/2023
POS-2246 Same Emails may get sent out one for each instance because of the multiple instances.
POS-2253 BAM when an item is scanned back on BAM, BAM is updated not POS
POS-2254 Process the files in order for metalprogetti on multiple instances.
Multiple instance support
POS-2249 Campaign Results add Group by Date Sent also a Filter on the sent date
POS-2250 Change Client to not send files larger then 1MB Size. Break files documents in smaller ones.
Version 22/2/2023
POS-2244 Added extra error details to check MAP Update Errors-Metalprogetti
POS-2245 The Photo Timer disappears when you press take photo and reset.
POS-2232 Upgrade to Azure SignalR Service. Added extra instances on app service. Added Auto scaling on signal R and App Service to increase instances for heavy traffic and decrease low usage.
Version 2/2/2023
POS-2229 Creating Inventory had an error with old orders getting the location station.
POS-2227 Product List Filter by Name displays the Products that start with the same name entered in Filter First then displays like names
POS-2228 The pop up Service List in creating a new order lists non active services. fixed
POS-2230 Public Holiday will add an extra day if order ready date falls with in the range.
POS-2231 Upgraded the network to handle more load, Added a VNET and Gateway.
Version 22/12/2022
POS-2215 The app crashes when you make a start / end date selection for the Drawer audit report.
POS-2220 Disclaimer Templates Missing-Added a Check for Disclaimer Templates are missing will add them in.
POS-2216 Account Emails to be used also with the customers emails when sending out emails.
POS-2217 Product Search report now has counts and prices, You can now sort columns into ascending/descending order so that it works like the sales incoming report.
POS-2218 Add Filter by status in Product search so you can choose (picked up orders – or not ready orders(.
POS-2219 Add the ability to disable and enable sub accounts. Add the switch Active in Sub Accounts.
Version 15/12/2022
POS-2207 Detailed Drawer report was not selecting the correct date range.
POS-2210 Fortnight schedule jobs was not calculating 14 days correctly was 14 days from the start of the month.
POS-2206 Search for Products Report-change the name from Order Item. Add Last Scan details and all Properties, status.
POS-2208 Added Exports for Product Search report
POS-2209 Added extra information to product search results order status, last scan time and pick up times.
POS-2211 Added a new option for sub accounts -Print Receipt Prices, Print Receipt Totals, Display Prices:, Display Totals, and Email Address.
POS-2212 Performance Enhancements for databases.
POS-2213 The focus is not set on mobile devices on search boxes for scan to a location.
Version 8/12/2022
POS-2194 Selection of Date and Time on Drawer Report not working in Application correctly-fixed
POS-2204 Report displays Transaction from to time in UTC.-fixed now uses current time.
POS-2047 New report created to ‘Search Product’ for an order item entering a product name or colour or properties within a date range will search and display matches – eg Blouse Silk Pink
POS-2205 Batch Report – we now order the list of orders by Date then by Ticket number.
Version 1/12/2022
POS-2187 ITL Error getting the next Temp Identifier in ITL Scanning when there is only 1 order.
POS-2191 Adding surcharges on grouped products were doubling up on child items.
POS-2170 Added a detailed Drawer Transaction report which you now can select a date range of transactions.
POS-2189 SQL Recommendation on performance improvements. Created new Indexes on tables as recommended.
POS-2192 When searching for a customer on a phone number will start searching when 6 characters have been entered and not doing a search after every character.
Version 24/11/2022
POS-2178 Grouped Product headings (2pc suit) are not working the same as grouped Order Items (suit pants, suit jacket) they should have the same functions when moving and adding properties colours etc in the Grouped Item is selected fixed
POS-2179 When pressing the PICKUP button, it didn’t refresh the screen to acknowledge the order was picked up – fixed..
POS-2180 Errors causing performance issues-app crash if the attachment to Xero had an error it caused a crash – New error handling has been developed for this situation.
POS-2183 When a Disclaimer is sent via SMS. Added a check to ensure that Disclaimer must be signed.
POS-2184 Added Validation when Printing a Disclaimer to ensure the disclaimer is saved before printing.
POS-2185 Improved Performance of saving an Order and Sub Order to reduce slowness in calling the database – Faster speed.
Version 17/11/2022
POS-2171 Added some extra handling around accessing customer receipts from URL. Sending Unauthorised message. If the receipt URL is invalid, it caused and error for the customer. Security improvement
POS-2172 Adding a Discount with the application caused app to crash. – Fixed
POS-2173 Sometimes the Services Menu is empty caused the application to crash – Fixed
POS-2177 Fixed Filter on Campaign in the Campaign results. Show the correct campaigns
POS-2174 Performance improvements – Updates in the orders sometimes caused a deadlock when a new sub order is created on a confirmed order or picked up.-Fixed
POS-2175 Performance improvements – two concurrent products could sometimes lock the records – fixed
Version 10/11/2022
POS-2160 On sorting station the Order Items scan in can be from All Stores regardless if the All Stores setting is on the Station.
POS-2162 When searching for an order item is not highlighted sometimes.
POS-2163 Fixed Deadlocks occurring when Item Level Scanning also have increased speed in creating orders.
POS-2167 When Scanning the Order Item to a location the Scan History doesn’t have the Location only the order item.
POS-2165 When selecting a new Order Number increased the speed.
POS-2166 Added Export to CSV PNG and SVG on Dashboard Graphs (CSV Web Only)
Version 24/10/2022
POS-2149 Next Temp Identifier was locking up the database especially when doing the item level tracking.
POS-2148 When you modify the Batch Schedule the employee is not modified.
POS-2146 Error with loading saving the menu item order was null
POS-2143 Signature Disclaimer was not working SMS link
POS-2150 Performance Improvements in the database indexing.
POS-2147 Added Error Message if User tries to Save the Photo or Send SMS Before Taking a Picture.
POS-2145 When there is no reply required when sending a Picture or SMS then show the message not sent.
POS-2144 Sending a Picture via SMS and Free Flow when there is no reply required the status is incorrect,
Version 13/10/2022
POS-2140 Change all Schedule Jobs to run to Drycleaner’s Time Zone not UTC. (local times not server times)
POS-2138 Discounts and Surcharges that are not active are included are not removed from the menu items.
POS-2141 Send Temp Order Items Number for BAM if using reusable RFID as a temporary tag on retail work
POS-2139 Productivity Report number of Scans Per Staff Per Hour / Day
POS-2136 Order Promised by Day display the Percentage in the Legend 14 days data spread and Future Orders more then 14 days.
Version 5/10/2022
POS-2133 Batch scheduler had an error in some cases when connecting to the database to update the status of the batches.
POS-2128 Error creating order items due getting the next Temp Order Number gets locked up due the the transaction still in progress.
POS-2134 Enhancements to the Dashboard Display the percentage ready and not ready for the day.
POS-2132 Improved Performance getting the reply list.
POS-2129 Added Dry Cleaner id in error when there’s an error updating the Order Item
Version 21/09/2022
POS-2121 Campaigns display all active campaigns no mater the date range selected. Add All in the date range set this the default.
POS-1315 Dashboard – View orders processing
Version 14/09/2022
POS-2116 Store Permissions when you Disable Add Products, Colours or Fabrics from one store it will turn off all stores not only the one selected.
POS-2111 BUG: Getting the Next Order Number can cause an Issue with the Deadlock order number on large databases which can cause slowness for users. This is caused by the store procedure locking up the table resulting in slow access. – fixed
POS-2117 Save the Pricelist Menu in Local Storage (rather than retrieving it each time) only update the local storage if the Datetime last updated is different from the server.
POS-2115 Create new Labels with Service – Add Service to a new Label (Garment tag) style.
POS-2114 Added Drycleaner Details when an Error Occurs while send an SMS or Email
POS-2108 Notifications add new notifications for disclaimers signed and not signed to monitor which disclaimers have not been signed.
Version 07/09/2022
POS-2113 Converted the Delivery Date Time from UTC to Dry Cleaner Local.
POS-2110 Templates when Order Item Notification is selected show Monitor Reply and Accepted and Decline templateswhen Order Item Notification is selected show Monitor Reply and Accepted and Decline templates
POS-2109 Quality added Total Number of Scans
POS-2107 Added receipt property for 24 hour door to attach a copy the transaction details receipt.
POS-2106 Sorting Station was not Prompting the Price Later.
POS-2105 Sorting Items on Pick Up doesn’t show the most recent first
POS-2104 When prompt the price when you enter a price it is not saved in the Order Item.
POS-2103 Show Services only that are active on the Price List in the Front Counter
Version 30/08/2022
POS-2102 Dashboard -Changed wording on Quality Station Typed to Current Production Rate and Expect Production Rate
POS-2101 SMS Request Changed saved message. You can now do a SMS Request to a customer to get their approval for automatic additional charge or consent to proceed with eg a repair.
POS-2100 Added Order Item Notes to Templates additional keyword for merging notes into a message
POS-2098 Updated Printing API
POS-2084 Add Disclaimers that require customers to sign – you add a disclaimer in settings – template – and have the customer sign or sms the customer and they can sign on their phone and the signature appears on the disclaimer
Version 01/08/2022
POS-2083 Pick up orders is defaulted on should be off and this is not saved sometimes on Completed Station Types.
POS-2089 Notifications add refresh also mark notification as read when user clicks read.
POS-2088 Add SMS Templates functionality for the Photos SMS.
POS-2087 Add Templates for SMS Request and Free Flow Text.
POS-2086 Add SMS Request for extra time change the ready date for Sub Order.
POS-2082 Add Request Extra Charge to be added to an order items.
Version 08/07/2022
POS-2076 Add a Notification Icon that lists the SMS Reply Status for 14 days.
POS-2075 Batch report as an Invoice Requirements ABN and BSB
POS-2074 Customer price printing switch not respected by metalprogetti – fixed
Version 30/06/2022
POS-2070 Scanning Order Items in Location doesn’t work if the Order Item is missing a Permanent ID
POS-2069 Orders Discounts and Coupons Report had to be filter when payment is made and discount was applied.
POS-2066 When you choose a location cursor should go back to scan order if the location has only one number
POS-2065 After checking Public Holidays check also the production times.
POS-2068 SMS – Add Automatic responses to replies for Accepted or Rejected.
POS-2067 Photo Workflow when a SMS is sent with photo use can Accept Decline or Anything else. Would you like us to proceed with the minor repair $12.00 reply Yes or No
Version 24/06/22
POS-2064 Marketing report included stub orders – now removed
POS-2063 Removed Menu Items that don’t have a Menu from the Price List Report
POS-2062 There was an error with selecting Any Range defaults to 1 to 100 Location.
POS-2058 Fix SMS Results the Message Count and Credits are incorrect. For Unknown stores get the last store’s order.
POS-2061 Added the ability to add Notes to Picked Up orders.
POS-2060 Add Location Description on the Dashboard excel download.
POS-2059 Add the Ability to scan order items pieces to a completed station also orders.
POS-2057 Add a new station type for Notifications for Late Pickups Orders can be scanned to send a Notification out to the customer that Order is Ready.
POS-1970 Add Location name where applicable and Add Drop Down Selection of Locations in Completed Station.
Version 23/06/2022
POS-2058 Fix SMS Results the Message Count and Credits are incorrect. For Unknown stores get the last store’s order.
• Displays all the Sales made from the Customers that have received the SMS
o Order Time greater than SMS sent time and less then Date Selected the default Day is today.
The selected day should be adjusted to the offer expiry date if there is one.
• campaign results Columns and Definition
o Campaign Name – The Name of the SMS or Email Campaign when save and scheduled.
o Type – Either Email or SMS
o Messages Count – Number of SMS or Emails sent out
o Number of SMS Segments times
o Last Order is the Max Date of the Orders
o Customers – The number of unique customers that the message was sent to.
o Orders – Is the sum value of Orders that the customer place after receiving message.
o Sales – Is the sum value of Order sales Total that the customer place after receiving message.
o Discount – Is the sum value of Order Discount Total that the customer place after receiving message.
This can be used to see if the customer has used the Discount from the message.
For further information about the Discounts and Coupons report has details of the Discount applied to the Orders.
• A discount coupon should be created for every time a campaign is sent out this will make it easier to create reports based on the discount applied for the order.
o Paid – Is the sum value of Order Amount Paid that the customer place after receiving message.
POS-2060 Add Location Description on the Dashboard excel download.
POS-2059 Add the Ability to scan either orders or pieces to a completed station, van and storage station.
POS-2057 Add a new station type to allow you to scan the order and it sends a scripted text without requiring you to relocate the order.
eg. Pickup reminder station – scan the order and it will send a text to the customer. you can go through the rack and scan the high value items or orders that have been in the store for more than 30 days and it will send a text to the customer with your scripted message
Version 14/06/2022
POS-2056 Fixed Prepay Checkboxes to be Displayed for Picked Orders -if Orders are not Paid
POS-2055 Added SMS Status and Reply Details to the customer communication list
POS-2053 Add custom domain names for drycleaner – allows dry cleaners to send sms with a tiny url with their name eg.
POS-2031 Add Tiny URL
Version 06/06/22022
POS-2044 Product Comparison Report doesn’t work correctly – fixed
POS-2052 Performance Improvements for App services.
POS-2049 Employee Store Authority -Add Free Flow Products Turn Off by Default For Non Admins rename Accounts to Accounts – Reporting (prevents staff from adding free flow products)
POS-2023 SMS Integration with New SMS provider to provide better features. – this for Administration Per Dry Cleaner Settings.
Version 27/05/2022
POS-2040 Sometimes Ready Orders are Not getting highlighted when you are switching in between customers
POS-2039 Valet Number focus is set to the scan item while typing a number.
POS-2043 Ready Date stop asking Multiple Ready Times for same Day.
POS-2038 Sales by Product add Group By Product Name also instead of Product ID (this allows pants to be grouped across different services)
POS-2037 Fix the Filter on the Search of Products
POS-2034 Add Service Name in the Product list of Products in Admin Settings – products — now shows services for duplicate products
Version 25/05/2022
POS-2033 Added Extra Error Handling when selecting routes when using MDC integration
POS-2032 Selection of the Ready Date now take hours to process a service into account.
POS-2029 Deleting Order That has a discount or credit doesn’t get deleted. fixed
POS-2027 Crash Error with JDM Core Web Project. caused app to crash – fixed
POS-2026 Picking up Multiple Orders if the Customer has Price Not Displayed. fixed
POS-2028 Disable the Days that the Shop is not Open and Remove the Day from the select box so you can’t select a date that you are closed
Version 23/05/2022
POS-2017 Merging Account that have tags have an error.
POS-2025 Update SSL Certificates (required annually)
POS-2024 When Prompt to move to sub order it will move all order items on the order to a new Sub Order when the service is selected
POS-2020 Add Route History details in after delivery notes
POS-2019 Add Truck Icon under the customer name to display route information from MDC if they use delivery
POS-2018 The Status column in the Entry Station needs to be larger.
POS-2016 When Select a Date or Permanent ID in the Order Entry Station move the focus/cursor back to the Scan Item
Version 19/05/2022
POS-2015 Fixed some app crashes issues
POS-2013 Add Valet Name and Number in the entry station for sorting and searching.
POS-2005 Add a new status of Delivered when it is Picked Up via MDC.
POS-1862 When you move a grouped product to a sub order only the selected item is moved it should move all grouped products.
Version 15/035/2022
POS-2009 Incorrect ready date is recommended if there is a service recommendation
POS-2008 When completing the Order the Ready Date Validation Occurs
POS-2011 Force the Service Ready date when the service is selected if the service has the Force Ready Date and Recommended days to be added is selected also.
POS-2010 Added Message Que Service for Completed Station
Version 13/05/2022
POS-2004 Add and Option in the Station for Sorting to Send via Message Que Service instead of files to spin the conveyor faster
POS-2003 If the Order is Confirmed then do not show the calendar. Fixed
POS-2002 Move all order items with the same service to the new sub order – Added an option on the Service to prompt to move all pieces of a different service to its own sub order
POS-2001 Do not recommended any days closed or public holidays.
POS-2000 Select the Date Recommended by the Service
POS-1999 Prompt for Move to a Sub Order if the there are more than one Product added to the Order Items also the Order Item needs a new ready date.
POS-1998 Service Recommended Days to be Added in the Service. eg. Repairs may have a default of 5 days, dry cleaning may have a default of 1 day
Version 09/05/2022
POS-1997 Added new Calendar for Ready Days.
POS-1996 Made production days simple and changed the Closing Days to Public Holidays.
POS-608 Added a new option on Services eg Drycleaning Prompt for ready date- Default Ready Date
Version 02/05/2022
POS-1993 Fix an issue where you can scan barcodes in as the location don’t save any numbers more then 99,999 in location.
POS-1992 When Scanning and Heat Seal Item into a new Order the Account Discount is not Applied on the Order Item Service.
POS-1990 When you Select a Tag for Posting Orders and Batches it wasn’t filtering on the Account Tags
POS-1991 Add Additional Logging when Spinning the Sorting Station
POS-1987 Add Pictures when item is Scanned into a Quality station next to Scan Rate chart with Pictures
POS-646 Order Ready Date – Production days, custom times, days and holidays
Version 07/04/2022
POS-1984 When the Photo has no marks will not send the SMS.
POS-1983 Photos will not rotate when taking a photo on a device
POS-1982 New Option to add the Date Selected as the Invoice Period for Batch Orders Tax Invoice Statements..
Version 04/04/22
POS-1981 Locked Out Error when you login from another session there is an error occurs because the token has changed.
POS-1980 CA Sort -When you scan a One Piece Order with many Sub Orders the First Piece of the Order Appears in stead of the Sub Order.
POS-1979 Create Photo Station that user can scan an order item in and then take a photo with a Phone – This will attach the image to the piece one the order. You can do this using a web cam and now you can add a Detailing station (Photo station) and take a photo with your phone and add this to the ticket. Better quality image – you can add marks, stains, pre existing damage, pressing instructions,repair notes or general notes
Version 31/03/22
POS-1978 When you delete a menu item and then move a menu item then go back one menu and open the menu the menu item moved is in the wrong position.
POS-1977 Drag over Menu buttons from the left doesn’t go into the menu in sub menus.
POS-1960 iPhone Take Photo fix the upload image needs to be resized to fit the canvas. The take photo from iPhone needs to be full screen.
POS-1881 Added the ability to remove an item from a slot in sorting station
POS-1976 When scanning item from Assembled order to another station for repairs etc, if the Slot is Take will Move the rest of the item to a different Slot in Sorting. You can see the Move to Slot in Scanning History.
Version 28/03/22
POS-1975 Default Sorting Station order by Slot Numbers
POS-1973 When you import the brands, colours, fabrics the order was not correct, Also after the import was completed the user required to refresh.
POS-1972 When you are moving the re-ordering of menu items when saving the order the seems to be off set the item by 1 sometimes.
POS-1971 When you scan a single piece order or sub order the slot number will not be displayed anymore also will not spin.
POS-1969 When you scan an item in the sorting station then scan the same item in another station the item location should be updated to 0 or if it is assembled sub order the other items should be allocated to the next available slot.
POS-1974 Splitting Orders in sorting has an error in sorting station.
Version 27/03/22
POS-1966 When importing menu items such as colours the type entered is not from the parent type it is type Other Properties This has been fixed.
• To test this import colours then add new colours in the menu items then re order the items.
POS-1965 When you confirm the items that require a permeant id the warning appears but the items tags have been saved.
• Added a refresh the order before confirmation.
POS-1967 Added on Sub Orders Receipt the Amount Paid and Balance.
• On Assembly station print Ticket
• Variation: on Accounts that have Discount is not displayed.
POS-1963 Save the Marks on the Photo Using the API instead of browser prevents the slow internet users not getting the marks saved.
POS-1962 Refresh the Customer Xero Contacts on every selection.
POS-1961 CA Sort Items have Prices to be displayed if partial order is paid for, an auto refresh that happens in the background.
POS-1959 Photos attach the Order Item Number also the Order Number on the Top Left Hand Side of the Photos reference to the order.
Version 15/03/22
POS-1957 When you use the search lookup order from the top bar magnify glass and order is not up then the app will crash.
POS-1956 Print Receipt Same Orders Items not Grouped option Order Item with Note will not Print the Price should print Price.
POS-1955 Move the file upload down, Make the take photo be triple the size it is and green, When you sms the picture – click Send and then when it sends – display the Thumbs up Icon.
POS-1943 Account Discount Percentages to display details for the Discounts per Service on the hover and click for details.
POS-1940 The order in the sub menus in the Price Lists do not get updated.
Version 07/03/22
POS-1954 SMS sent with no URL if the picture had no marks added.
POS-1951 Delete Picture does not work.
POS-1950 Order Item Look up when scanning an order close the previous order before opening the next order.
POS-1949 When you have ungrouped order items Photos are not printed on the receipt, Also when you group the order items only 1st items photo appears.
POS-1953 Add the ability switch cameras
POS-1952 Move the Timer and the buttons above the Photo.
Version 04/03/22
POS-1948 UWP Application can save the image with the marks and notes
POS-1936 Dashboard only exports orders not ready. fixed ready orders and all orders
POS-1947 Added Pictures on Receipts with marks are now shown on the receipt and at the pressing stations
POS-1946 Save picture with marks and a new ability to SMS the customer the image with the marks shown
POS-1945 Add new mark type for Damage on order item
POS-1944 Add a Timer when taking a picture. 0,3,5 or 10 second timer which counts down – allows you to present the garment to the camera showing the brand and size. Multiple images can be stored
Version 24/02/22
POS-1939 Fix the Position of the Markers on the picture taken
POS-1938 Fixed Printing of order item notes on grouped products
POS-1942 Add the ability to upload an image. You can take a photo and upload the image to the piece
POS-1941 Allow Edit of Order Item Notes. You can now edit the previous notes
POS-410 Notes, Pictures and Marks- added the ability to add a photo , touch the photo and add marks to the photo, like stains, pressing, repairs, general. These are displayed when you scan the item at station eg spotting or pressing.. You can mark them as pre existing and completed or best efforts made
Version 17/02/2022
POS-1934 Adjusted the Column Width to Display full order number in Make Payment.
POS-1933 When Group Like Items is turn off Order Item notes are not printed of the receipt.
Version 15/02/2022
POS-1928 Employee Timesheet had error creating the report grouped by employee.
POS-1926 Add the ability to add Notes to order item
POS-1929 Display the product Notes when then the item is scanned into the station (eg. spotting / pressing station )
Version 09/02/2022
POS-1927 Account Credits Report was not showing the Credit in the Export to PDF also missing Totals.
Version 07/02/2022
POS-1921 Adjust Column Width for the Location displaying when Pickup Orders because it is hidden for Long Station Names.
POS-1924 Account Credit History Display the Current Balance under the customers name. You can click on the Credit icon and see the balance and history. In the Credit Reports Display Grouping of Account Credit Balance and Totals
POS-1923 Add Bag Tags and Alternative Customer Ids to Entry Station (Front Counter) when customer is selected – you can click to the right of the customers name and add Alternate ID’s – eg rego number or members card or Bag tag.
POS-1922 Add Bag Labels and Customer Accounts Alternative IDs from MDC. If a Bag tag is added in Mydrycleaning it is passed down to MycleanPOS and now you can enter the bag tag to bring up the customer
POS-1920 Added another check that Dry Cleaner can has Send SMS turn on for every SMS not only Notification.
POS-1919 Add Hourly Rate for an Employee and Report the Pay if there is a value. It will multiply the number of hours by the pay rate and total.
Version 30/1/2022
POS-1918 During ticket writing an item/product cannot be priced over $99,999
POS-1917 Added a new Schedule Option called ‘End of Month’ meaning the Last Day of Every Month.
POS-1916 Add Customer Phone Number in the Credit Accounts Report Add Filter by Account Tag and Account Name.
POS-1911 Added new Account Credit Report for tracking accounts with credits
POS-1908 Cash Credits ability to add a cash credit or modify
Version 28/1/2022
POS-1914 Integration changes – Bag Tags Alternative Ids for Customers
POS-1911 Add Account Credit Report for tracking accounts with credits
POS-1908 Cash Credits ability to add a cash credit or modify
POS-1903 Pick Up Orders and Payments, Add selection to select Sub Orders also Add Status to display Order.
Version 16/1/2022
POS-1907 During ticket writing, when clicking on an item needing a barcode/heatseal/RFID assigned (Yellow exclamation mark) it will bring up the window to scan in the barcode/heatseal/RFID – Added
POS-1906 Can not delete an unconfirmed order, if the unconfirmed order was scanned as part of doing an physical inventory. – Fixed
POS-1904 BAM stopped importing new ticket information because a ticket was edited and products/items were not correctly updated to be resent to BAM. – Fixed
POS-1901 Timeout issues when generating PDF files for emailing Batches. Timeout increased to 2 mins.
POS-1900 Corrected GST amount shown on ticket when the account has a percentage discount applied.
POS-1899 Notes are not Printed on the Receipt
Version 14/1/2022
POS-1904 BAM stopped importing new ticket information because a ticket was edited and products/items were not correctly updated to be resent to BAM. – Added
POS-1902 Assembly Station has an error when you scan an item that has already been Assembled. – Fixed
POS-1901 Timeout issues when generating PDF files for emailing Batches. Timeout increased to 2 mins.
POS-1900 Corrected GST amount shown on ticket when the account has a percentage discount applied.
POS-1899 Notes are not Printed on the Receipt
Version 13/1/2022
POS-1902 Assembly Station has an error when you scan an item that has already been Assembled. – Fixed
POS-1901 Timeout issues when generating PDF files for emailing Batches. Timeout increased to 2 mins.
POS-1900 Corrected GST amount shown on ticket when the account has a percentage discount applied.
POS-1899 Notes are not Printed on the Receipt
Version 12/1/2022
POS-1901 Timeout issues when generating PDF files for emailing Batches. Timeout increased to 2 mins.
POS-1900 Corrected GST amount shown on ticket when the account has a percentage discount applied.
POS-1899 Notes are not Printed on the Receipt
Version 6/1/2022
POS-1894 Windows 11 Updates
POS-1893 In Customer Marketing when selecting a Account Tag will not get any results. There’s was an error in the SQL.
POS-1890 Products that are In Active are displaying in the Price List search.
POS-1896 Add Filter to display Active List Items for, Colour, Fabric, Service Properties and Other Properties.
POS-1895 Refresh the List Items when you Save a Product, Colour, Fabric or Properties
POS-1892 If you are in Pricelist Add a product, colour fabric, property, do not show inactive items
POS-1891 Add Filter Option in Product List to Display only Active Products
POS-1887 SMS Admin Report
POS-1886 On click of Notification Icon show permanent identifier Add permanent identifier
POS-1898 Increase the timeout for Batch Order Details from 15 seconds to 2 minutes to get the additional details
Version 05/12/2021
POS-1880 CA Sort Removed the Removed Functionality was causing issues
Version 03/12/2021
POS-1879 Apply Surcharges after Discounts as it was before. Reverted back to old discount method until we add a new flag Surcharge discountable
POS-1875 Order Items on Batch Report don’t match with the Order Details – Make the report use the same table as the Ticket.
POS-1871 Removed the throwing the exceptions to application for preventative app crashes. Errors are logged in the Batch Status.
POS-1870 Add a New Spare Slots in the Sorting Station to allow gaps on a conveyor sorting station
POS-1869 When you save the marketing campaign from the campaigns screen the Sales entered are blanked out.
POS-1868 Discounts and Coupons report not showing old Free Flow Discounts.
POS-1867 Front Counter had an Issue with Add Permanent ID when scanning in the Barcode was slow may appear app was crashed.
POS-1859 Bug fix when user token is missing and is logging out.
POS-1858 Bug Fix when user has not typed in the correct URL for drycleaner.
POS-1877 Scan Status when Item is Removed and then put back in will be Completed in CASort.
POS-1876 Added Product Item Properties to the Batch and Orders postings Invoices reports
POS-1874 Ability to Remove the Item from the Sorting Station.
POS-1866 Performance Improvements on Campaigns Results report and accuracy of SMS sent counts.
POS-1863 In Assembly have a spare slot per items so they are not squashed together.
Version 26/11/2021
POS-1855 When adding free flow Discount it is Displaying twice on the receipt.-FIXED
POS-1854 Dashboard Bug when you click to find Order Details-FIXED
POS-1856 Discounts and Coupons report change description from ‘Unknown Discount’ to ‘FreeFlow Discount’.
Version 25/11/2021
POS-1850 Discounts are not reporting correctly.
POS-1838 When Discount is Not Displayed doesn’t calculate correctly.
POS-1837 Surcharge When you don’t add a Surcharge % or either $ then it will add one
POS-1822 The insert in the Audit table if there is an error it doesn’t exit gracefully will continue to write records.
POS-1853 Added more Discount grouping in Discount Report discounts by customer by order
POS-1852 Added Details Served By in Order View Details to show who served who picked up who voided
POS-1851 Add validation so Surcharges can not be less then Zero if Manually entered in Order.
POS-1846 Add Order Details Popup Menu in Order View Details
POS-1845 Delete Add Warning in Deleting the Order Item
POS-1844 View Details Move Above Add Note in Order Item Menu
POS-1843 When you Add Discount then Record the Discount in Order Discounts.
POS-1842 Option to Allow Discounts Free Flow Discounts (Disable) Free Flow.
POS-1841 Account Discount Display the Receipt Surcharge and Discounts
POS-1840 Add Discount Report
POS-1836 Clean Up the Transaction Log for Audit Logs
POS-1821 feature request: removing ready dates from tickets
POS-1818 Add Address Fields in the Marketing Report
POS-1817 When you apply a Discount on the Order it should record the Discount applied.
Version 25/11/2021
POS-1838 When Discount is Not Displayed doesn’t calculate correctly.
POS-1837 Surcharge When you don’t add a Surcharge % or either $ then it will add one
You can now add a surcharge, There is a new surcharge button in Order writing next to Discounts which lets you add a Express Surcharge to the entire order.
This needs to be added in Settings – Surcharges and then added to the price list used y the store into the Surcharge button
Coupons can now have a Barcode number for tracking eg 1999999 – In order writing you can scan press Discount and scan the barcode 1999999 and the appropriate discount will be applied
POS-1844 In write order when you View Details on an item Move View details option away from Delete , moved above Add Note
POS-1843 When you Add Discount then Record the Discount type in Order Discounts.
POS-1842 store Option to Allow Discounts to be a Free Flow Discounts (Disable) Free Flow.
POS-1841 Account Discount type to Display the Receipt Surcharges, coupons and Discounts
POS-1840 Add Coupon, Discount Report with an option to show surcharges on the report
Version 22/11/2021
POS-1822 The insert in the Audit table if there is an error it doesn’t exit gracefully will continue to write records causing un necessary database usage
POS-1836 Clean Up the Transaction Log for Audit Logs
POS-1821 feature request: removing ready dates from tickets
POS-1817 When you apply a Discount on the Order it should record the type of coupon or Discount applied.
Version 15/11/2021
POS-1830 When you edit a Campaign the Store or Account selected it will not save if you do not re-select the Store or Account – fixed.
POS-1831 Refined the selection to only send once to a customer even if they visit multiple stores if the merge store fields are not added in the template.
Version 15/11/2021
POS-1829 Adding new customer in back end.
POS-1827 When there’s only one Campaign and it’s not selected there’s an error in the results report.
POS-1826 When Campaigns Saving it inserts the Scheduled Date even if you do not select one
POS-1823 Xero Refresh Token for Xero customers not being save if there’s an error.
POS-1828 SMS Customers Opt Out Single Campaign now allows you to opt out of just this campaign
POS-1825 Add Opt Out Preference in Dry Cleaner Preferences to Display Single OptOut Campaigns Default Opt Out is All marketing campaigns
Version 13/11/2021
POS-1827 When there’s only one Campaign and it’s not selected there’s an error in the results report.
POS-1826 When Campaigns Saving it inserts the Scheduled Date
POS-1823 Xero Refresh Token not being save if there’s an error.
POS-1804 Validation Exception Xero if Contact was Archived
POS-1825 Add Opt Out Preference in Dry Cleaner Preferences to Display Single OptOut Campaigns Default Opt Out is All.
POS-1824 Added new Error for Xero customer ‘The contact with the specified contact details has been archived’. The contact must be un-archived before creating new invoices.
Version 10/11/2021
POS-1814 Inventory was not selecting all the a orders in the shop.
POS-1810 Database Connection when there’s an error with the posting in Xero
POS-1816 Added Cleaner process to clean up orders older then 3 months of Audit Tables
POS-1815 Added Cleaner process to clean up orders to older then 12 months of Audit Orders ant etc..
POS-1809 Unsubscribers SMS or Emails have the option to remove unsubscribe to one campaign or go to preferences selections
POS-1711 Create New Subscriptions page so users can enter there details email or phone number to subscribe to marketing.
Version 05/11/2021
POS-1808 MDC If the store is not active still pay the tickets off. –
POS-1807 MDC Account Discount is not Applied to the Total
POS-1806 ‘Last Week’ option on reports don’t work if it is the start of the month
POS-1802 error when merging two accounts
POS-1794 Add Campaign if there is no Template for the Report User can Add One in the same screen.
POS-1769 Campaigns Email should be able to export to PDF and Excel.
POS-1768 Campaigns SMS should be able to export to PDF and Excel.
POS-1767 Campaigns should be able to export to PDF and Excel.
Version 29/10/2021
POS-1796 Campaigns Not Saving the new selection Date or Campaigns
POS-1799 Fixed the Best, New, All, also Lost Customers when send out they are Grouped by Store and Customer not Order. Only Overdue Orders are Grouped by Orders.
POS-1798 Get Total SMS only for the Country that Dry Cleaner Can Send eg. ignore international numbers
POS-1797 Tags area – Editing tag to add accounts – the accounts don’t seem to list all the time?
POS-1795 Problem saving through new adding screen (campaigns area, not in marketing)
Version 28/10/2021
POS-1792 ability to add campaigns in the campaigns screen.
POS-1791 Add Customer Count in Campaign Results Report
POS-1790 Fix the Totals for the Marketing Reports
POS-1789 The filter in the Marketing does not appear to have all of the screen options in the filter screen
POS-1788 When you do a template SMS and then use it in a campaign We appear to get a blank line at the start and extra empty lines in the campaign
POS-1787 Campaigns have the Option to Edit the Criteria for Campaign
Version 25/10/2021
POS-1777 Remember the Selected Value when switching from All Campaigns
POS-1786 Don’t Load the Sale by Location until a selection is made to prevent long load times
POS-1785 Formatting Location Report – align columns
POS-1784 Set the Last Station to be defaulted in the Location Report.
Version 22/10/2021
POS-1781 Get Total Timeouts in the Campaign
POS-1776 Sales by Location Report, Show orders in your store for a period in a location range.(New Report)
POS-1780 In Location Report Add Datetime Custom Selection
POS-1779 Add Scan Time in the Location Report
POS-1776 Sales by Location Report, Show orders in your store for a period in a location range.
Version 20/10/2021
POS-1770 Get Total for SMS for All Customers has an error
POS-1773 Hide and Show Not Active Campaigns in the List of Campaigns and Results. (New Report)
POS-1774 Customer Marketing Report don’t Display stores that are Not Active also don’t send a SMS out to Customers.
POS-1772 Fix Status and Run Times for One Off Jobs
POS-1771 Add totals to figures for marketing campaigns
POS-1766 Campaigns Results Report when there’s no orders the Last Order Date should be blank.
POS-1019 Extra step to save authenticator to prevent accidental 2 factor authentication being turned on.
Version 17/10/2021
POS-1763 Filter SMS Results with Account Name and Account Tag
POS-1762 Schedule when pass the start date if schedule date month is greater then this month or year.
POS-1759 Get Total SMS Count Fill the Template also count multiple stores.
New Campaign Results Report in the Reporting Section – Report on SMS/Email campaigns sent out by campaign or customer or store
POS-1765 Dry Cleaner Added SMS Cost column for Admins Only to Use Default Values
POS-1764 Add Delayed Recurring Campaign JobId to Campaigns and Report the Scheduled Time
POS-1758 Add Email Sent Report Email display Orders Count Sum Total Last Order Date after the Email Sent Out.
POS-1757 Add SMS Sent Report SMS display Orders Count Sum Total Last Order Date after the SMS Sent Out.
Version 8/10/2021
POS-1752 Posting Batches Errors with Xero External Reference Number switch on the Batch Status is not displayed-fixed
POS-1751 Posting Order Errors with External Reference Numbers on-fixed
POS-1750 When the Batch was Posted already and not marked as posted (Invoice Already Exists) the update to the batch to Posted was not working – Fixed
Version 7/10/2021
POS-1740 New Create Batch Schedules has an error – Fixed
POS-1738 bug sending individual SMS via the sms icon below the customer name-Fixed
POS-1746 Update Batch Status -display error when a Contact is not Linked.
POS-1745 Update Order Status after posted in the browser – you can hover on the status and it shows what has happened to the order during posting
POS-1742 Update Batch Status when Posting the Batch – - you can hover on the status and it shows what has happened to the order during posting
POS-1741 Re Posting batches will check if the Invoice Exists in Xero and Update attachment and the invoice if it does not exist
POS-1739 Post Batches using Background Worker Process to process the batch – this prevents time outs
Version 30/09/2021
POS-1733 Batch Scheduled Jobs Ran Twice in some circumstances
POS-1728 Items in MDC are being duplicated if edited
POS-1737 Display the Xero Status in Orders and Batches
POS-1732 Added Customer Not Linked Error Type for Batches that are Scheduled
Version 30/09/2021
POS-1730 Database connection when updating the Batch Status was point to Master Database
POS-1731 Added Batch Scheduler using Background Processor Hangfire to enable closer monitoring and larger batch jobs to occurr
POS-1636 Report Issues with Batch Processes sending to Xero or Closing Batches
Version 23/09/2021
POS-1727 Added multiple optout sms, optout and unsubscribe and updated wording on opt out screen. This will update the customers record to not send SMS marketing to this customer.
Version 23/09/2021
POS-1726 No price when discount applied and no customer is selected. It used to show ###.## if you hadn’t selected a customer.
POS-1724 When Saving a One Off Campaign it was creating a new Schedule. Now it will delete the old job before new one is created which prevents duplicate jobs going out.
POS-1725 Add Opt Out URL for SMS in the Templates. There will be an opt out on each new template. eg. or sms or unsubscribe
You can replace the opt out URL with a tinyurl by going to and copy in your URL and it will return a short Tinyurl version and they both point to the same place (but it uses less SMS characters)
Version 22/09/2021
POS-1723 Set cursor Focus when doing Marketing selections for Best, Lost and Overdue is pressed to help choose the correct box.
POS-1721 Count Orders not items in the Marketing Reports and display a customer count on the report
POS-1717 Job ID hang fire queueing system can only be 80 characters
POS-1716 Remove HTML tags in SMS messages.
POS-1714 Scheduled Date can’t be a NULL, Inserts the Date in Scheduled if Campaign Saved
POS-1713 Missing Divider field between Months and Store Tag in Marketing report
POS-1708 Add check to not update Customer Addresses if integration service sends a blank address.
POS-1720 Don’t count Customers that don’t have valid phone number for SMS.
POS-1719 Change the wording SMS unsubscribe.
Version 22/09/2021
POS-1708 Add check to not update Customer Addresses if integration service sends a blank address. If Mydrycleaning app sends a blank address to MycleanPOS – do not update the address in MycleanPOS.
POS-1709 Add SMS Unsubscribe form that the User will enter their phone number in a text box to unsubscribe for SMS marketing
POS-1706 In Customer Edit List Campaigns and Date they Unsubscribed.
POS-1705 Add unsubscribes to a table with the campaign unsubscribed EMAIL phone number and email and User Id and Date and Time.
POS-1703 Don’t send any one-off campaigns that the time is not set. If you have not set a campaign Date and time to run – do not send to the Campaign run queue
POS-1702 Add new warning when saving a campaign letting the user know that the campaign has no Send date and time.
POS-1701 Added a new date range called ‘Custom Months’ . This allows you to select missing customers who have not been in for 90 days in the last 6 months. This enables you to schedule marketing to go to these people automatically using the new schedule feature.
Version 16/09/2021
POS-1698 In Marketing Best customers the Up and Down arrow was changing but the data was not being updated. The value was not setting.
Version 16/09/2021
POS-1697 Added option to select Top and Bottom for Best Customer to get the Best and Worst Customers for Marketing – Reports – Marketing- Best.
POS-1696 Added Upload to for HTML Email editor. Added click and drag images to editor so you can easily add images to your Template for your campaigns
POS-1694 Email Test Server button – this allows you to enter your own email settings and test that the email sends correctly – Settings – Preferences – Settings
POS-1693 SMS Notification and SMS Marketing Headers. – You can now have a different SMS header for marketing messages and a different header for notification SMS’s
Version 13/09/2021
POS-1689 Email List Sender Name was Missing
POS-1685 When you press the Marketing button in campaigns doesn’t work in app.
POS-1683 In the app if you select campaigns and any of the top buttons are selected it crashes the app
POS-1682 Connection String for Job Server was not set correctly was picking up local one.
POS-1692 Add Default Mail Settings from Global settings
POS-1691 When you change the Mail Server will try resend the Failed emails again.
POS-1690 Record the emails have been opened. Count the Emails sent out and Opened Emails
POS-1688 Changed Skin of the Toolbar to Office 2013
POS-1680 Add new criteria All Customers and New Orders or New Customers
POS-1679 Fix the Dates Display Datetime in the SMS and Emails
POS-1678 Run Campaign Now button.
POS-1677 Fix the Order By when columns are selected
POS-1676 Add Campaign dropdown in the Campaign Emails and SMS
POS-1675 Add validation to stop quantity over 500 items in the order to prevent timeout and dead locks
POS-1499 SMTP Settings for Dry Cleaner and or Stores Settings
POS-742 Bulk sms/email tool
Version 26/08/2021
POS-1672 Remove Validation for Mobile Phone number for New Zealand Standard Time zone dry cleaners so NZ customers can SMS
Version 23/08/2021
POS-1669 When you change the Quantity of Order Item that has no Price Displayed an error occurred
POS-1668 Inventory must not create a report if we have not scanned anything in. Also do not display the Scan Date on orders that are missing.
New Feature
POS-535 Ability to search products/colours/fabrics from the order writing screen
POS-1670 Added Search Items to have a Limit of 100 items.
POS-1660 Inventory Selected as a Default the Completed Station
Version 18/08/2021Bug
POS-1667 Payment of Multiple Orders when one Order is Ready another Order is Processing. This didn’t allow you to prepay both at once – Fixed
Version 16/08/2021
POS-1657 Issue when clicking an order item on the Dashboard and it should open the order – Fixed
POS-1656 Duplicate Batch Invoices where trying to post to Xero if an Account was entered in Multiple Tags using New Tag feature – Fixed
POS-1654 Store Tags when New Tag is created references previous store tag selected- FIXED
POS-1649 Schedule Batch Accounts that have no link failed – FIXED
POS-1648 Old Batch Accounts on Schedules where closing – Brings in to Xero Batches greater than 3 months not closed
POS-1647 Xero Integration fixes with Authentication – FIXED
POS-1653 Sorting Orders in Entry Station changed to put most recent orders first. – Now sorts primarily by Status then most recent date descending. Order – Ready, partially ready, Unconfirmed, picked up, voided
POS-1652 SMS messages being sent during pickup if the Send SMS station is ON and you have a template – wont allow this for a picked up order
POS-1651 Store Selection allows for partial search store name in Sales reports, and dashboard and Tag assignment
POS-1650 When you disconnect from Xero will Not Remove the Account Links anymore. – so you can disconnect/reconnect and the links are still existing from MycleanPOS to Xero
Version 30/07/2021
POS-1643 Batch Schedules sometimes ran earlier then schedules, FIXED.
POS-1642 Issue Closing Batches with the on Schedule and also on Manual. FIXED
POS-1640 Fixed Duplicates Orders in the Batches. FIXED
POS-1639 The Batch Accounts not in the Account Tag selected were also sending in the schedule batches. FIXED
POS-1638 The Account Tags don’t save had an issue. FIXED
POS-1634 The Dashboard was not loading in UAT release until you selected a store. FIXED
POS-1626 When searching for Account Tags in Schedules also other accounts were included. FIXED
POS-1622 On Scheduling Accounts that post to Xero and no connection to Xero then the application crashes. FIXED (better error reporting required)
POS-1637 When there are Batch Posting Errors an email will be sent to Dry Cleaner(set in Preferences) and
POS-1635 Added an Email to be sent out to Admin if a scheduled Batch close/post fails.
POS-1632 Added additional fields to sales incoming report :- Employee Name and Service(eg Drycleaning)
POS-1631 Inventory missing adding leading Zeros in the Order Number if Missing. This allows you to enter a manual ticket number 103 and the system will check in the database with store Prefix000103
POS-1627 On the Schedule process the batches are sent one at a time to record the response is recorded to allow it to be reported at a later date.
POS-1625 Copy Services Should be able to copy Service to Exciting Service not in the Price List selected but in another Service Existing
POS-1623 Add 2 New Schedule options to Run Weekly and Fortnight from Start of the Month and End Monthly. This means that if you select Weekly from start of month. The weekly/fortnightly batch always starts on the 1st of the month and goes in 7 or 14 day intervals. and the last few days of the month will also have a small number of days in the batch
POS-1621Ability to Group stores/assign store to a group or a tag and then report over store/store tag- You can setup Retail stores and commercial stores or delivery stores and create a Tag for these stores then report, post or show the dashboard by the store tag
SKIP Versions due to bug fixes required
Version 22/07/2021
POS-1620 Posting Batches had issue when a Customer or Accounts are not selected.
POS-1619 Sales by Product had issue searching Accounts but works via Tag
POS-1618 Added “including details” version of the batch report being attatched in Xero
POS-1616 Add Location to PDF report for Inventory
POS-1615 Inventory Added Prefix to the Scanned in Number if Doesn’t exists also Looked Number only and Prefix string empty.
POS-1614 Auto close batches added new scheduler in admin settings to add tag or all accounts to close.
Version 16/07/2021
POS-1613 When you Print the tax invoice turn on will assemble the order also prints 2 receipts Tax invoice and Suborder. When you assemble the order if the Tax Invoice is On will Print the Tax Invoice.
POS-1612 When you type a number in the sorting station has an error.
Version 13/07/2021
POS-1607 Added More time for the Orders Save and Posting.
POS-1611 Export Price List and Reports had an error
POS-1600 with the CASort – please add an option on the station to print TAX Invoice on Assembled order print
POS-1558 The ability copy Service to an Existing Price List also make a copy of the Service or Same Name
POS-1073 Ability to Group customers/assign customer to a group or a tag and then report over customer/account/tag
POS-664 Price List/Menu Maintenance – Copy service from one price list to another price list and improve service logic in the maintenance
Version 12/07/2021
POS-1607 Added More time for the Orders Save and Posting.
POS-1600 with the CASort – please add an option on the station to print TAX Invoice on Assembled order print
POS-1558 The ability copy Service to an Existing Price List also make a copy of the Service or Same Name
POS-1073 Ability to Group customers/assign customer to a group or a tag and then report over customer/account/tag
POS-664 Price List/Menu Maintenance – Copy service from one price list to another price list and improve service logic in the maintenance
Version 08/07/2021
POS-1604 Loading Price List on slow internet.
POS-1601 price list showing inactive items – Print price list shows inactive items
POS-1603 Active stores should only be one displayed in the drycleaner menu.
POS-1599 Create Production Ready station check box in the station, Then have a exclude production ready in the in Dashboard.(used for a production facility)
POS-1598 Inventory selecting of all orders on the a station or stations selected You can inventory just a rail or a conveyor.
POS-1597 Inventory selecting of all orders on the Date selected
POS-1596 Remove missing orders from the Location Look ups Completed Stations also in View Orders should not list missing orders or Voided or Picked Up.
POS-1595 Posting and Export Label to be changed to Email All Customers. (wording change in Posting screen)
POS-1594 Inventory Order Scanned has no prefix then the Store’s Invoice Prefix is attached this is for Old imported orders.
POS-1581 Inventory Station Selection they can Select All Stations or Multiple Stations to inventory
POS-1503 Add Hidden Station Flag to hide the station from the store menu. You can make a station visible or not visible
Version 30/06/2021
POS-1591 Problem when emailing statements to a single email address (from the customers file) the Email Button gets disabled when turning off ‘email customer’ and has an email entered. This is now fixed.
POS-1590 Location is lined up in Sub Orders on the Excel Report – Inventory export – the sub orders now have a ticket number and the location is now aligned for orders and sub orders
POS-1588 Import Process Bug there’s an error in creating new stores in the import process converting old systems. The Send SMS is Defaulted True therefore an error is given that requires a template. Now fixed
POS-1593 Added Order Item Descriptions in Dashboard Popup – it now shows the colours and other properties of the product you clicked on and you can now click Order number or the piece number to Open the order in the Front Counter.
POS-1592 Added Order Item descriptions in Inventory Excel Report.
POS-1584 SMS Template add Order Item details for SMS templates – item-number, item-product, item-description, item-price also all-items. You can now scan a piece and SMS the customer that the piece is being held (create a Held piece station – set to be a quality station and send SMS – set the template
Made improvements to the Inventory report export to XLSX which now shows the locations as numbers rather than text
Version 29/06/2021
POS-1579 When the inventory has a double scan the second one is not found because it was removed.
POS-1576 The Inventory Report UID or Store UID is missing
POS-1571 Added Store Name next to Station Selected.(Top bar now has the store name)
POS-1555 Batch report at elite DC formatting reformatted Postings report to fit
POS-1578 Increased the Timeout when loading the Price List Menu- for large price lists 15,000+ items
POS-1574 Added New Draw Period for Inventory Write offs and Reports
POS-1573 Added Ability to Display orders that are Missing, Voided and Picked Up by Inventory
POS-1572 Move Draw Periods and Inventory after Posting down the bottom of the Store Menu items.
POS-1569 Added new Standard V2 Labels with No item number and no product description
POS-1568 Added New Item Lookup button on header (New search at the top of the main menu)
POS-1565 We do not offer to send a sms to non mobile numbers. (10 characters starting with 04%)
POS-1556 Truncate Characters Valet Name ITL Scan – caused error)
POS-1554 Posting – Auto-populate email with customers email when going to export if Any is Selected Batch Emails
POS-1542 Email to be Populated Automatically when Print Screen Screen if a Customer is Selected,
Version 29/06/2021
New Inventory program which allows you to do a physical store Inventory
Once you have scanned in all of the physical orders in your store – You can update the orders to Missing status or you can opt to Pickup all the missing orders or Void them
This will give you a write off amount and record this with the date of the last inventory
If you scan an order back into the store at a point in the future the order will come back from Missing and be placed back into Inventory
POS-919 Ability to perform an inventory in the interface
Version 21/06/2021
POS-1560 UWP Application -Occasional Crashing -Added more detailed error logs to trap application errors – 02/06/2021
POS-1555 Batch report at formatting issue where the font was too large for large orders – font decreased and columns adjusted
POS-1561 Increased the Token Timeout Minutes and Login Token Refresh Minutes 720 = 12 hours and 8 hours refresh token. From 45 minutes- This is to prevent being forced to login after a PC was not touched for 45 minutes
POS-1556 Truncate Characters Valet Name ITL Scan (if the valet name was longer than 50 characters this would cause an issue-happens if a name has a RFID scan added to the name accidently)
POS-1554 Posting – Auto-populate email with customers email when going to export if Any is Selected Batch Emails
POS-1542 Email to be Populated Automatically when Print Screen if a Customer is Selected,
In Live site now 28/05/2021
POS-1552 When a customer has an Account Discount 100% -Paid is not appearing when the balance is 0
POS-1549 printing audit trail need break line for orders tickets for thermal printer.
POS-1553 UWP New Certificate File for Code signing updated – Required by Microsoft to ensure access to MycleanPOS app
POS-1551 Posting Orders Formatting Changed more room for Valet details and Order Number –
POS-1314 Posting – Auto-populate email with customers email when going to export
POS-973 Posting Batches/Xero Integration – Account Name (if different to customer) and Valet Details now appear in Xero with accounts per Order and Accounts by Batch 23/05/2021
POS-1546 31 characters to a sheet name in Excel truncate Orders Promised by Tomorrow (Wed)”
POS-1544 Copy Store had an Issue with copying the Locations
POS-1540 UWP Application Can not Open the Order form the Sorting Station.
POS-1539 The SMS Message Details should clear out once the message is sent out or customer changes
POS-1537 Get Error When Saving a New Dry Store Error with saving the Stations
POS-1543 The Ability to Copy a Services in the Same Price Lists or a new pricelist – to copy the entire price list – right click on the pricelist and copy (this copies all services)-
POS-1536 add number of days to display order items this is because some drycleaners get a timeout if there are too many order items.
• Added a text box in the Sorting Station to Adjust the number of days.
POS-1513 Do Not Show Ticket Prices Option in Customer Screen then when ticket printed for the customer copy prices will be hidden.
• Added Another 2 Options in the Customer Screen to Remove the Totals and Prices
• Prices and Totals will not be Displayed.
• Integration Service was also updated required for this change. (Nick)
Live 20/05/2021
POS-1535 In CASort . if you click on an order in a slot – you can click on the order or the piece and it will Open the Order. The is a new option at the top left – Extra Back Button < Back {Station Name}
POS-1534 Price List Download File Name is incorrect- fixed 12/05/2021
POS-1528 Unload Conveyor has Voided Orders (Unloading a storage conveyor by route has voided orders in the list – fixed)
POS-1525 When viewing details on a piece, it showed the station but not the location. – Order Items from MAP and BAM Scan Locations where missing. fixed
POS-1532 when you select a customer there is now a new ICON which if you click opens the edit for the customer and displays any communications for the customer – you can also send a SMS to the customer – any message
POS-1530 Remove services – If you select a pricelist and a service does not have items – do not display it -unless you choose to
POS-1526 Create Links in Assembly-Map Station and Sorting Station to open up the Order and highlight the Item from any store(providing the logged on employee has access rights to the store. Also you can now filter the MAP or CASort to show just the order s for a store by typing in the first 3 letters of the store to find the items.
You can Print Tax Invoice by clicking on the print icon or you can also Right Click Print Sub Order
Print Filter on Orders in Assembly List on Order Number – type in HUT and get all orders with HUT in the order number
Can Look Up items from any store. – Front counter -Other commands – Item lookup – (this will now take you to any store with that piece number in – providing the employee has access to that store)
Can click the item number to display the order or ticket number in new window. Opens a window in the browser to display the order and the piece that you have scanned.
POS-1523 Create Price List Report in the Reports section which is now similar to Sales Incoming report format
New ability to print Price Lists in the Reports menu 12/05/2021
POS-1520 When Item is scanned in the DTAG/Sortings station when also having the Print Docket Flag set to on (meaning if you scan one item all items on that sub-order are detagged/sorted) the Screen doesn’t refresh
POS-1518 Price-Lists Reports are not Displaying all Surcharges
POS-1524 Getting the Order Items on the DTAG/sorting Station is Timing Out when loading for a factory with many stores (trying to laod 22000 pieces into memory)
POS-1519 Add Services Dropdown to Price List Report – (You can now print a pricelist for one service/category or all category/services)
POS-1517 Display Services in Price List that have Products Only – Add Expanded Button or Item to Display the rest (hide services/Show services) This will show only the services that have products on a pricelist rather than showing all services even though most do not have a product in their pricelist
POS-1516 Add Location in Scanning so Displays the Location History in View details when you view details on a piece. You can now see the locations that items were at each station and not just the most recent location. If you look in item details you will see the movement of each piece an where it was located.
POS-1509 Add SMS functions for front counter station(s) on Order writing screen. You can now click on the SMS icon (below the customer name) or click to the right of the customer name and SMS a customer and see the SMS/communication History sent to the customer
You can now set each station to SMS a template email when an item or order is scanned into a station. The send SMS needs to be ON and then send all stores can be ON. You need to enter a SMS message to send when you scan into the station. This is setup in Settings – stores – stations – click on the station and set the Send SMS to ON and enter the SMS message – *** This means you can add a station to your store which enables you to create a SMS for orders or pieces being ‘Held for soaking’ or / ‘Item held for reclean’ /‘Item held for repairs’ etc or if an ‘Order needs more time’ – you can click a ‘Order needs More time’ station – scan the order and it will SMS the customer (the template message for that station eg. ‘ We have discovered a stubborn mark on your garment and we would like more time to treat this nasty stain. Your order will be ready within 24 hours. Thanks for your patience, we are doing our best to make that nasty stain disappear – ABC dry cleaners- at your service’ ) and log it in the SMS history screen 02/05/2021
POS-1515 Update Location upon Scanning the Items in Sorting Station so they display as scanned on all pieces in the sub order 29/04/2021
POS-1511 Export PDF Price List the Prices are no appearing the heading for the Service are repeated.
POS-1501 Issue when creating an order and barcode is scanned into item number crashes the windows app.
POS-1512 On the Sorting Station Add Another Option to Print Order Ticket and Update Sub Orders Location to be the same
POS-1510 Price List Export xsl format adjustment
POS-1506 Format PDF Price List
POS-1502 MDC ITL Item Level Tracking Scan Orders add Max Items per Customer, 0 means unlmited, 5 means create orders of 5 pieces. 26/04/2021
POS-1505 Excel Export of Surcharges had lines for each surcharge should be in 1 line
POS-1479 Price List – Price Increase of Items on a Price List
POS-39 Price List PDF 24/04/2021
POS-1479 Price List – Price Increase of Items on a Price List
POS-39 Price List PDF 22/04/2021
POS-1504 Bug fix for Item Leave Tracking selecting the Dry Cleaner when the Dry Cleaner store is not defined in My Dry Cleaner application 14/04/2021
POS-1497 BUG With ChangeDate was int instead of datetime in MDCXFerTicketFee
POS-1495 When you pick up multiple suborders you select them from the front counter menu an error message appears.
POS-1496 Add more information about the items in the Dashboard Orders Promised a Day 12/04/2021
POS-1494 New Shopping Cart button on top of the header of the to open DCSS Shopping 12/04/2021
POS-1492 New Barcode Labels Don’t fit with 8 digits numbers
Shopping Cart added to top bar to purchase items from DCCS Australia 12/04/2021
[POS-1492] New Barcode Labels Don’t fit with 8 digits numbers
Added New Style no-wrap this has address the issues of the name wrapping and also fits more characters. Will adjust on the characters width.
This now fits 11 characters for Ticket order Numbers.
[POS-1490] Location Station should not be able to have Voided or Picked Up orders
Added Messages warning when the orders are picked up or voided
[POS-1192] Receipt and Surcharges – Display itemised surcharges on the receipt
The surcharges will be displayed (Pickup Fees)
[POS-124] Entry – Ability to edit a customers details from the entry screen and send communication
You can edit customer details on the edit screen.
Note the Credit is Read Only so you can’t add credit to a customer, also other popups don’t have Save Changes message therefore I haven’t added that in here.
(We need to create a task to add Save Changes to all popups or just added to the Customer Edit screen) 12/04/2021
• [POS-1491] – Printing Labels for some old Printers New Labels are not printing correctly. 01/04/2021
• [POS-1096] – Metalprogetti Integration – If a station has integrations in its queue and you change it’s type to non-metalprogetti, it will still try to send the integration records to that station.
• [POS-1485] – Xero Integration – Customers not appearing in drop down list
• [POS-1488] – Metalprogetti Integration – If metalprogetti path gets changed there will be stale records kept in memory
• [POS-1266] – Store Garment Label/Tag
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