Writing a Ticket (Order)

Choose the store ABC Dry Cleaners

Having selected the ABC Dry Cleaners store, you can now see the different Stations that have been set up for this store. You will notice that ABC Dry Cleaners have set up a Front Counter and Ticket Writing/Pickup Station. The number, type ,and, naming of Stations is entirely up to the Store Owner in terms of how they need to operate and manage their business.

We can create ticket in either of the Front Counter, and/or, Ticket Writing/Pickup Station.

For now we will select the Front Counter station to write a ticket.

Having selected the Front Counter station you are presented with the Front Counter screen as shown below. From here you will be able to search for a customer, create a new customer and write a ticket (order).

There are many ways to search for a customer when at the Front Counter screen shown below.

The MyCleanPOS solution will search for a customers by surname, first name, or mobile phone number. The searching functionality at the Front Counter is ‘Google Like’, where even if you have only part of a phone number, or, name, the MyCleanPOS system will still search out the required customer details.

The screen shot below displays customer search by mobile phone number, and has correctly selected James Kirk as the customer.

When the customer does not exist in the MyCleanPOS database, you will be given an option to Add Customer as shown below with the + Customer option on the top left hand side of the screen below.

When you select + Customer, MyCleanPOS will launch the template shown below, automatically populating the new customer information in the template. This is a very useful and powerful feature to quickly record new customer details (name, phone, email information etc.) and then get on with writing a ticket for the new customer.

We will now go back to the existing customer, James Kirk, we have selected below.

You can see immediately important customer information is displayed showing past orders in process, orders ready for pickup, and,* past orders*. In this screen as well Unconfirmed Orders are shown, which are orders that have not yet been completed. One of the features of the MyCleanPOS solution is that you can always go back to an Unconfirmed Order to complete it at a later time. This allows the sales person at the POS to serve more that one customer at a time.

In this example we will press the Start Order Button in Green to write a new ticket for James Kirk.

Having selected the Start Order Button, the following ticket writing screen will be launched.

In this ticket example we have selected Dry Cleaning and Repair Services on the one ticket. The ability to mix different services (Dry Cleaning, Repairs, Alterations, Wash and Fold etc.) on the one ticket is a useful feature of the* MyCleanPOS* solution

Selected also are single and grouped garment items and a discount and message has been included.

Once you have completed the ticket, Confirm Order *in *Green at the bottom of the screen

Once you have Confirmed the Order the following message will launch asking whether you want to Confirm. If you say NO the system will take you back to the order to make any required changes to the ticket.

When you do Confirm the order you will be presented with the payment screen below displaying the many payment options shown (Cash, Credit Card, EFTPOS, Cheque, Pay Later etc)

You can add in a message, as shown here, which will appear on the receipt.

In this case we will choose the Pay Later option

When you have selected the Payment option, in this case Pay Later you will now be able to choose to manage the Receipt by:
- Print to Receipt Printer
- Downloading to PDF
- SMS to Customers Mobile
- Email to Customer
- or, choose no Receipt

In in this case I have chosen to download to PDF and the receipt is shown below

You are now back at the ticket writing screen and can start a new order


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