How do I do a physical Inventory


Inventory is used to do a physical inventory
Inventory video guide

Select The store you want to do the inventory for
Select Inventory from the bottom of the screen

1. Create New Inventory
2. Select Scan Orders
3. Scan in all of the orders one by one – (if you enter a wrong number you can right click or click on the scan record and delete it)
4. Create Report
5. (You can export the report – to see what you have scanned and what is missing – you can select a Status and just report on the status you want)
6. Update the missing orders to one of three choices. 1. Missing 2. Picked Up 3. Void

If you update the missing orders to Missing then the items will show up in the Customer Pickup screen as Missing-Invent
If you update the missing orders to Picked Up then the items will show up in the Customer Pickup screen as Picked Up-Invent
If you update the missing orders to Void then the items will show up in the customer Pickup screen as Void-Invent

You can see on the Inventory History how much has been written off via the Inventory process $amount

This will also add a drawer record which is called Inventory and this shows which tickets have been written off

Video below


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